Legal Video Production Services

Video Production Services

ON RECORD provides professional experienced legal videographers using professional video and audio recording equipment. We bring the experience of recording thousands of depositions to each and every job that we do.

We know all of the appropriate codes and standards, and perform our work in a professional and unobtrusive manor.

In-Person Depositions

ON RECORD brings all of the necessary skills and production equipment to the location of your choice. We work in law firm conference rooms, doctors’ offices, care facilities and residences. We’ve even recorded a deposition on a battleship.

Remote Depositions

A professional legal videographer can record a deposition remotely via any of the popular videoconferencing platforms. We are happy to host and take care of screen-sharing any exhibits that you wish displayed.

Synchronization & Editing

Transcript / Video Synchronization Services

ON RECORD can combine and synchronize a deposition video recording with the text from the court reporter’s transcript. We provide synchronization files for any of the popular trial presentation programs such as Trial Director, OnCue, and PowerPoint.

Editing Services

ON RECORD can edit video recordings to provide exactly what you want, or need, to present. Video depositions can be trimmed to present only the most relevant material for your case. Short individual captioned clips can be created and effectively used for impeachment purposes.

Courtroom Presentation Services

ON RECORD can provide an experienced and professional Trial Presentation Specialist for your next trial. We work closely with you to present exactly what you want to the jury. This includes documents, deposition clips and demonstrative evidence. We provide all of the necessary presentation equipment to ensure that your message is properly seen, and heard.

Courtroom Presentation Services

Hybrid Depositions

We can combine elements of in-person and remote depositions. Participants are able to join an in-person deposition remotely. Videoconferencing equipment can be taken to a deponents location if travel is an issue.

Field Recording / Site Inspections

We bring professional portable recording equipment to the location of your choice. Construction defect conditions can be documented during site inspections. We can also record process documentaries, reenactments, or a person’s activities of daily living for your case.

Audio Recording Services

We have experienced and discreet professionals able to provide audio recording services at a physical or psychological Independent Medical Examination.